Lie #2 "BEVs Are 85-90% Efficient!" 
   heat engine's efficiency (e) is determined by the ratio of the total amount of heat energy fed into the heat engine (Q) divided by the amount of work (W) coming out of the engine during a set period or cycle.  (e=Wout/Qin)  For example, when one kg of petrol is burned or oxidized   13.1 kWh of energy is released.  However, friction, heat losses, phase change of the fuel, and participle burning of the carbon into CO rather than CO2 and other endothermic processes cause losses so most internal combustion engines are limited to having outputs of only about 3.3 kWh or less of mechanical energy.   So 3.3/13.1 kWh means an efficiency of about 25%.  Kamtech's Engine has a thermal efficiency of over 45% efficiency.

BEVs are NOT Super Efficient?
    Many Government rating agencies and EV manufacturers often represent "Zero Emission Vehicles" as being over 85% efficient.   This is marketing lie number two! To make an accurate and honest measurement of any electric vehicle's "thermal efficiency" you must start the "Cycle" with an accurate measurement of the heat energy (Q) contained in the fuel that needs to be converted into work.   This process takes place at an electric generating plant with the burning of coal, natural gas, or petroleum by the power plant's heat engine, which is normally a steam engine, or gas turbine. About 65% of this heat energy is lost to the environment as heat.    Other losses are caused by the transmission of energy to the charging station and eventually into the BEV's battery and wheels. Several studies have shown that the true efficiency of a BEV is about the same as an ICE vehicle, around 20%.  See slide 2

It Gets Worse in Hot Or Cold Weather!
    However, if the vehicle interior is either heated or cooled or other losses to operate various accessories are considered then the typical BEV's true efficiency is far lower than the efficiency of either hybrids or many ICE vehicles.

What If The CO2 Emission Of Making The Battery Pack Are Included?
    A study sponsored by the Government of Sweden* reported on page 27 that each kWh of battery capacity caused over 250 kg of CO2 to be emitted during the mining process of raw materials and their manufacture of just the BEV's battery pack.  This means a new BEV with a 100 kWh battery pack has caused over 25 metric tons of CO2 to be emitted into the atmosphere before it leaves the factory.  This study clearly demonstrates that the lifetime emissions of CO2 are far greater for a BEV than for a comparable ICE vehicle.  * 

The Half Ton Of Batteries Lower BEVs Thermal Efficiency And Safety!
    BEV's massive battery pack's weight requires significantly more energy to overcome the tires' increased roll resistance and the battery's inertial load when accelerating.  A BEV’s half-ton battery load makes them far harder to handle and requires more distance to stop in an emergency. Insurance companies have long noted that BEVs are involved in more accidents than ICE cars, which is reflected in BEV's higher insurance costs.

Kamtech RE Makes For A Safer EV 
    An EV designed around the Kamtech's Range Extender can be 500 to 800 kg. lighter. Frame, suspension, brake, and chassis components don’t need to be the size of a half-ton pickup. This results in lower manufacturing costs.   Their lower weight improves their handling and emergency stopping distance.

Fuel Is Super Compact Power
    The energy in most fuels is significantly lighter than a BEV's massive battery back. For example, just 16 kg of petrol is needed for the Kamtech RE to generate 100 kWh of energy.  This is an energy density of 6,250 Wh/kg. 

A 100 kWh Battery Pack Cannot Be Fully Used
    Tesla's 100 kWh battery pack weighs 625 kg, which gives it an energy density of 160 Wh/kg, or almost 40 times greater than fuel.  Also, the energy in fuel can all be used. Most EV makers demand that an EV seldom be charged to 100% they strongly suggest charging to just 80% and never be discharged to 0% they suggest discharging to 20%.   The fine print in Tesla's warranty says, "If you allow the Battery to discharge to 0%, and it results in damage to the BEV you are responsible for repair and/or transport expenses. Discharge-related expenses are not covered by the warranty or under the Roadside Assistance policy. " 

Kamtech Is The Cleanest!
    Kamtech RE generates far cleaner energy than the world's grid. No black smoke, no cancer-causing chemicals, and less CO2/kWh, and you can use 100% of the potential energy without a problem, except for a possible walk to a petrol station if you forget to fill up...