It Took A Decade Of Design Work.  
    After almost a decade of brainstorming sessions, design, and component testing finally, in 2001 Duncalf produced two different dynamic/assembly prototypes to test the robustness of lower-end and experiment with assembly methods. The cam profile and retaining system had to withstand all the inertial forces while operating at running speeds.  The first design had several flaws but it did prove that the basic design could withstand at least the inertial forces of a running engine.  However, Duncalf quickly realized that he had reached the limit of his skill, expertise, and knowledge of actually building working prototypes.  It was time to look for help.  That help came with the signing of a license in 2001 with Mark Beierly owner of Earthstar Aircraft in Santa Margarita, California, USA.

A New Player Brings New Perspectives And Success. 
    Beierly vision for the design was to build aircraft engines. However, Duncalf's vision was to provide a mobile power-generating system for Electric Vehicles that would be far more efficient, cleaner, and emit a fraction of the CO2 and none of the more toxic substances produced by the world’s mostly coal and natural gas-powered electric grid.  Out of this new association came many new ideas that would lead to better designs.
The resulting design work resulted in these and other patents.
US Patent US5553574A 1995 Duncalf
US Patent US6691648B2 2002 Beierly
World Patent WO2014/107628A1 2014 Duncalf
World Patent WO2016/0230556 2016 Duncalf and Agent
 More Patents And Success.
     The early development team included two consultants, Professor Oppenheim, and Henry Yunick, and two engine builders, Jim Duncalf and the staff of Advance Technologies Machine who built the first 2 dynamic test designs, in 2001.  Later that year Mark Beierle, of Earthstar Aircraft and his staff joined the team to add his improvements to the concept.  Earthstar Aircraft financed and built the next 3 working prototypes.  They were successful beyond belief.  They showed clearly that the Radial Cam concept could raise thermal efficiency very close to 50%.  The longer dwell time on both ends of the stroke allowed time for more of the heat to be converted into work and the exhaust temperatures were so low (450 C) that one of the prototypes used an aluminum exhaust manifold.  While the team felt very vindicated by this success Professor Oppenheim warned that there might be some political opposition ahead, based on the governments strong anti-ICE engine stand that they were taking against the auto industry.  He told us of a few life experiences he had of powerful political opposition that derailed promising technologies, blocking their commercialization with threats, fines and even lies about the technologies.    

Powerful Political Interests Not Happy
    Oppenheim's words rang true very quickly.  Within a year of publishing the Rad-Cam's development, political pressure began against Duncalf and Beierly. The threats were implied at first but eventually became intense.  Eventually, heavy government fines were levied which were framed as tax violations.  

The Development Team Got a Lesson on America's Two-Tiered Justice System
The message was made clear to both Duncalf and Beierly.   The heavily lobbied political class wanted to see the internal combustion engine eventually outlawed, and they did not want to see any improvements made to the technology.  It became clear that the same rules did not apply to the owners of the massive coal-fired or natural gas-fired heat engines that pump millions of tons of pollution into the atmosphere while making power for the electric grid and the growing number of EVs.  Billions of tax dollars were being gifted to the owners of America's electric grid and several companies that make electric vehicles. 

Follow The Money!
       Many of the world's politicians have been swayed to enforce the wishes of the rich owners of the world's electric grid.  This sector's lobbyists spend millions of dollars each year to make sure their interests are given priority in laws and regulations.  This politically powerful sector has a long-term plan to get a total legal monopoly to provide all the motive power to society.  This was a déjà vu moment for Duncalf.  In the mid-1970s he faced opposition against his solar-powered technology from a local power company that wanted to exert its monopoly rights.  He was not alone in this fight which came to a head when the US passed the "Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978".  This Law broke the previous monopolies held by the large electric utility companies. In 1935 Duncalf's father had his parent's windmill/battery electric system destroyed under an 1880 Utility monopoly law that did not permit farms or private people to generate electric power once a monopoly was given to a territory.

Development Halted For Years
    Beierly left the development team fearful of continued problems with regulators.  He sold his business but remains on as its manager and designer. His new direction was to develop battery-electric powered aircraft.  For several years the EV/electric grid lobby group ZETA has openly published its goal, which is stated with this note "by 2030 every car sold in the United States must be an electric car", so eventually every vehicle owner will have to buy energy from the Electric Grid.

 Forced Compliance Brings Postpones Development
     It took Duncalf 6 years to pay off the fines levied but in 2009 he moved to Florida and quietly started working on the concept again. In mid-May of 2011 Duncalf posted this video. Shortly there after a 30k fine was again demanded from Duncalf if he continued his work on his ICE concept.  Finally tired of fighting in 2013, under the advise of his attorney Duncalf changed his DBA to Kamtech SA and left the US to continue his work to further develop the RE concept, under an agreement with his patent agent and shareholder of a Vietnamese Company. After working with the Vietnamese company for fourteen months, the company failed to produce any parts to the required specs. This led to the filling of the last patents.  

The Design Is Finally Ready For Prime Time
    Over the next few years, Duncalf and his new associate, Pham Duy Tung self-funded one more engine to test the dynamics of the redesigned lower end. The lower end proved to be robust, other changes such as the use of a carbon piston were not successful.  The last design work was to develop an improved thermal management system.  Once again it is clear that Kamtech needs to recruit a larger company that has the infrastructure, ability, and desire to finally put this revolutionary engine design to work for society.

The Team Needs Your Help.
    Duncalf and Pham are now seeking a partner to bring to market the Kamtech RE.   Kamtech's thermal efficiency is what makes it a significant technological breakthrough that will advance electric vehicle design making them truly "user-friendly".